Ah, memories: 10 years of social media

Not sure whether to feel like an early adopter or just old

You know, when I post these infographics that I find on other sites, I really try to offer some insightful commentary about them. That way it’s not so much that I’m stealing them as sharing them.

But I don’t have a whole lot to say about this one, except that I – as a person who can remember when we stopped saying ‘social networking’ and started saying ‘social media’ – like looking at timelines like this. I’m not sure why, since it only reminds me just how much time I’ve spent (wasted?) on social media in the past 10 years. (Though I will admit to taking some pride in knowing that I was among the first 700,000 people to sign up on LinkedIn, back when you still had to spend 10 minutes explaining to people what it was.)

And of course there is my usual caveat, which is that it can be dangerous to trust the numbers on an infographic. I mean, MySpace may still have 36 million registered users from people who signed up in, like, 2003, but I’m pretty sure you’d have a hard time finding a single person you know who’d actually visited MySpace in the past 3 years.

But anyway.  

10 years of social media sarah welstead