Because no one can keep all this stuff top-of-mind
It’s true: I’ve become fascinated by infographics lately. Why? Because I feel like I’ve spent most of my career – including those 4 years in real estate – trying to find the best ways to communicate to various audiences so that the information resonates, sticks, and precipitates action. And what I’ve learned is that hardly anyone responds to large blocks of text. Even if they do like text, they rarely have the time to actually read it all, let alone absorb it. (Even I, one of nature’s born readers, have managed to get through only 2 books since the baby was born.)
Infographics seem like a fantastic solution to this problem. Why spend 2 hours reading a 50-page whitepaper when you can scroll through an aesthetically pleasing graphic that requires little commitment and leaves you with about the same amount of information you’d absorb from that whitepaper anyway?
Today’s selection represents another great function of infographics: The cheatsheet. It’s called ‘Smart Ways to Combine Content Marketing With SEO’, but really, it’s just a giant cheatsheet of all the ways you can leverage content to build your brand and drive traffic. I confess that there are lots of channels represented here that I’ve never heard of, and many of them aren’t suitable for all brands or organizations, but this is a fantastic overview- especially if you’re just starting to get serious about your content marketing strategy and need to think beyond your blog and basic social media.
Infographic found here.