Top 20 most expensive keywords in Google AdWords [infographic]


Those of you who have had to navigate a Google AdWords campaign, especially for a small business client, will know that it can be hard to get your (or your client’s) head around the fact that the 5 keywords they most want have clickthrough prices of $10 or more.  Most of the words on this list didn’t surprise me (though I admit I wouldn’t have put ‘rehab’ and ‘treatment’ in the top 20), but I have to say that when I got to #20, ‘cord blood’, I did a bit of a double-take.  I mean, I know (having recently been one myself) that pregnant women spend a lot of time Googling stuff late at night – but cord blood?

Anyway, here’s a colourful infographic, for your delectation.

top Google Adwords